Monday, 12 December 2011

Christmas treats for homeless animals

Chicken pies, mashed peas and minced fish cookies - these are among the treats that one bakery is giving away this Christmas. And the beneficiaries? Homeless animals that have been abandoned or injured in hit-and-run accidents.

Donors can pay for treats from The Barkery Singapore and the family-run animal bakery will deliver them to strays in the three animal shelters it is working with: Action for Singapore Dogs, Zeus Communications and Animal Lovers League.

"We feel that many of the shelter dogs don't have many of the joys and pleasures that are available to pets. They don't have homes, they don't have families, they don't have toys," said Ms Ann Marie Chua from the bakery.

"We think they deserve some kind of extravagance ... delicious and healthy food."

Action for Singapore Dogs president Ricky Yeo said: "People are rather generous here in Singapore, but I think when it comes to Christmas ... when people start to wind down and actually want to do some good ... it's a very good opportunity for to contribute."

Ten per cent of the amount paid for the food will be donated to the shelters. The donation drive will run until the end of the month.

Source: TODAY
12 Decemeber 2011

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Government to re-home stray mongrels

By Sharon See, Channel News Asia

Source: Channel News Asia, Interactive Media
Date: 12 November 2011

Monday, 10 October 2011

Life As a Stray

Life As a Stray

The following video was produced by
St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary School
Dedicated to our Street Dogs

Many of us would love to give our Singapore Specials a place to call home - unfortunately, due to HDB* guidelines this is not possible.

We hope that one day the authorities will change the guidelines and allow our Singapore Sepcials to stay in our HDB apartments.

We are Responsible Pet Owners, we train our dogs to listen, to obey and to respect our community and neighbours. 

If the authorities give Pet Owners a chance to let our Singapore Specials stay in HDB apartments, we promise that our dogs will not be a nuisance to our neighbours and our dogs will help us to guard and protect our home, family and neighbours.

When a street dog is given a chance to stay in an our HDB apartment - there will be less strays on the streets.


The black puppy without a tail that you saw in the video is Venus.

Special Thanks To
Ms Melanie Martens
Ms Chia Sui Yoon
Mrs Martens
Secret Garden
and the following students who have made the video possible:
Juliana Chia
Janine Loi
Lim Yu Ning
Cherie Zheng 

HDB = Housing and Development Board

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Save Our Stray Dogs

By Anita Chew

Source: TODAY
Date: 17 August 2011

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Monday, 21 March 2011